
2014/10/23 Diary-5

Event 1
I had a cold last Friday. I have no class Friday so I planed to go shopping. However I can't do it. I slept all day. I got better in a day! I though that health is the most important then!

Event 2
I went shopping last Saturday. My favorite shop is VIS. VIS is located in News. I went there, and I bought new shows and clothes. I was so happy. And then, I ate sweets in Moricone. I had a wonderful time!

Event 3
I had my part-time job last Sanday. I went to Kumamoto hotel castle. I work as wedding companion. The wedding ceremony was so nice! The bride was so young. She was same age as me but she has already a baby. When the bride read  a letter to her parents, my tears flowed.  I though I hope she become happily.

Event 4
I went to Korean restaurant with my friend. It is near Yumetown hikarinomori. I ordered toppogi, chijimi, sarada and chinja. The taste was so nice! I wanna go there again!

Event 5
My favorite sport is volley ball. I have played it for 6 years. My position was center attacker and ace attacker. Our junior high school team was strong. Every competition enter the best 4 in Kumamoto. I sometimes play volley ball with my teammate.  Also I like baseball and soccer. I like just watching both. I am cheering Roasso Kumamoto now. So I often watch the game at the stadium. It is very exciting! Also I like world cup. Every time when the world cup, I cheer it all night. I like baseball too. I went to watch Major league Baseball on summer vacation. It was very exciting for me. The size of stadium was so big. I want to try to play Baseball someday.

2 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Haruka -

    Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Are you planning on writing more for this diary? So far, your score is 1/10 ...

  2. Ok! You wrote more after I checked your blog yesterday afternoon. I can upgrade your score to 7/10. Good!
