
2014/10/31 Diary-week 6

Enevt 1
Last Monday, I went to Kumamoto PARCO to buy new shoes. My favorite shoes shop is Esperansa. It is at 3 floor. I want black color shoes. I bought good one! I’m so happy! I will put on it wedding ceremony of my cousin next Sunday!

Event 2
Last Thursday, I went to Kikunan Hotel to do my part-time job. I worked as a party companion. The party was Kakestuken’s. I talked mush with the person to work at the company. The talk was so useful. I had a wonderful time there.

Event 3
Last Friday was My friend’s birthday! We had a birthday party! We bought a good present, which was Nike shoes he wants. We went a bar, and celebrated his birthday. He looks so happy and we was happy! Our university friend’s group has 7 members. 6 people of those became 20 years old. We enjoyed the party all night!

Event 4 
Last Sunday was my cousin’s wedding ceremony. She is 23 years old. I like her very mush from old days. I thought of her like my sister. That’s why I was happy but I felt a little sad. The ceremony held at Hakata. I was so moved and I said to her’ congratulation!’ with tears running down my cheeks. Wishing she will always be happy.

Event 5
I went to hot spring Suishun last Friday. Suishun was my favorite spot. There are hot spring, sports gym and bedrock bath. First, I enjoyed bedrock bath. I sweated a lot, the weight decreased. Then I enjoyed hot spring. I was able to be relaxed very much!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Haruka --

    I was interested to read about your reaction to your cousin's wedding ceremony. Why did you think it was sad? Usually weddings are happy occasions...

    Your score for this homework is 6/10.

    I will check and grade your Diary 7 homework next week, ok?
