
writing test, val's Diary

School's over at last! Summer holidays are here but who wants to spend them in the countryside?

seaside: 海辺
horrible: 恐ろしい
annoying: 迷惑な
stupid: 愚かな
awful: ひどい
shouting: 叫び
interruptions: 中断
neighbours: 近所の人
idiot: 馬鹿
gorgeous: ゴージャス
odd: 奇数
exclaimed: 叫んだ
swallowed: 飲み込んだ

This story is so happiness. The girl's name is Val. Val went to countryside in Summer holidays, and there were many beautiful natures. She can change her mind. I saw the her change, I became happy too! 

107 words/ 8162 words

1 件のコメント:

  1. This story is so happiness. >> This story is so happy.

    Val went to countryside in the summer holidays.

    I saw the her change >> I saw her change
