
Basic conversation 1

My name is Haruka Eto. I'm glad to meet you. Please call me Haruka.

How are you? Fine. Thank you. So so. And you? How have you been?
調子はどう? 元気です。ありがとう。 まぁまぁ。 あなたは? どうしていましたか?

Is everything O.K.? It's been a long time since we last met.

See you later. See you tomorrow. See you again. Good-bye. Take care. have a nice weekend.
またね。   また明日。 またお会いしましょう。さようなら。気を付けて。良い週末を。

Thank you for everything. Thank you for waiting for me. You are welcome. Not at all.

That's right. Could be. Exactly. I guess so. Fine. Yes, please.

Never mind. I'm terribly sorry.
気にしないで。 本当にすみません。

I’m afraid it's going to rain. I'm afraid I'm lost. I'm afraid I'm in a hurry.
どうやら雨になりそうだ。 道に迷ったようです。 急いでますので。

I beg your pardon? I don't understand. Do you understand me? I couldn't hear you.

Please say it again. Please speak more slowly. What do you mean?

I must get to leave there by 9 o'clock. You have to come back in 30 minutes.

How long will I have to wait? Could you please tell me how to get to the station?

Could you call for someone who speaks Japanese? Would you call a taxi for me?

I want you to come with me. I don't want to go with you. I'd like something to eat.
一緒に来てください。 一緒に行きたくないです。    何か食べるものがほしいです。

Could you keep this baggage, please? I'd like to have this translated.
荷物を預かってもらいたいのですが。 これを訳してほしいのですが。

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