
My friends birthday party

     Yesterday is my friend's birthday. The friend's name is Keishi. I always call him Ke-chan. We are university friends.
     Yesterday, we hold a birthday party. He didn't know we hold a birthday party so he was very surprised!
     We presented the cake to him the moment it became 12 o'clock with the birthday song. He became 20 years old. Then surprise, men who sat next to our, he presented a bottle of champagne to Ke-chan.  We didn't know the men so we were so surprised! Ke-chan became so happy!
     After it we present him a T-shirt and bracelet. It was a bracelet he had wanted very much. He said that the bracelet is his treasure. I was so happy to hear the thing.
     I want to be a much better friend also from now on. It was special happy day for his and us.

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